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Konjac Powder is a premium, water-soluble dietary fiber sourced from konjac roots. It is calorie-free and has low protein content. The primary active ingredient is glucomannan, which exhibits a highly beneficial synergy when used with carrageenan. 


This powerful combination can offer unique advantages for our business partnership. 

- Enhances viscosity in meat processing, effectively emulsifying fat, and ensuring stability in various systems.

- Delivers a delightful sensory experience in terms of mouthfeel.

- Plays a vital role in achieving desired gel shapes and minimizing syneresis, enhancing product quality and consistency.


In the northern region of Thailand, specifically Tak Province, We maintain both a dedicated farm and a state-of-the-art factory to ensure the production of the highest quality Konjac powder, boasting a pure 100% Glucomannan content.


We are fully prepared and committed to offering our support to your business.

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Bangkok Konjac Powder

Reliable 100% Glucomannan Extract
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